Chatham Borough and Chatham Township Thanksgiving Races Benefit Emergency Squad

Chatham residents have made a morning “turkey trot” part of their Thanksgiving celebrations for more than a decade. Despite the inclement weather, both the Chatham Borough and Chatham Township 2024 events were well-attended and successful. Both events are charitable in nature and many local services benefit from the funds raised.

 Curt Ritter, a Township resident and Turkey Trot founder and president, and Dave Heflin, Borough resident and Trot the Manor director, have both been steadfast supporters of the Chatham Emergency Squad. In separate presentations, both generously donated $5000 to the Building for the Future Campaign to renovate both the township and borough CES facilities. 

The total renovation of the 45 Spring Street building is nearing completion and members are excited about moving back into the building in the coming weeks. Work on the 31 North Passaic Avenue building is planned for a future date.  With these recent gifts, both donors have reached our Captain’s Circle level of donors. 

CES is an all-volunteer squad providing basic life support, as well as many additional benefits, to the Chatham community. For information on how you can support the Building for the Future Campaign, go to our website at